Friday, October 4, 2013

ZAP game with bananas, French toast, and flying turnips

I love review games with ZAP and so do the kids.  I think a few bloggers have played blog, so I don't know which blog to give credit to.  Basically, I put 16 questions into a powerpoint.  The kids work in groups.  I have individual white boards and individual graphing white boards.  Whichever group gets the correct answer first gets 5 points.  Then, they pick a number 1-16.  This helps adjust the score so it isn't always the smartest group accumulating points.  Some of the ZAP cards are:
multiply your score by 2
subtract (-2) from your score
multiply by 1/2
Zap your score (you go to zero)
Zap all others
Zap all the scores
Sing I'm a little teapot
Do 10 jumping jacks
Switch scores with one other team
Pick a team and give them 4 points

You get the idea.

I have the kids come up with their own name and you can see below we had: infinity, Hillers (our school name), bananas, French Toast, and flying turnips.

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